Motorbike Rental in Bali is one of the companies engaged in transportation services, especially in Bali Motorbike Rental. He has long experience in Bali motorbike rental and often serves tourists or tourists and business people who come to Bali and want to rent motorbikes in Bali. Through our website we improve our online customer service.

Motorbike rentals in Bali have many advantages, ranging from providing convenience to see the sights and tourist attractions and also not to mention the friendly Balinese people. Using a motorbike is the best solution during a vacation in Bali, so you can go through or reach narrow roads. Adventure in Bali is increasingly felt by going closer to the people around you. Then, the motorbike can also penetrate traffic jams more quickly, because the small and slim body makes it easier for the motorbike to find gaps in traffic jams between cars or other vehicles.


Terms & Conditions

Rental Xmax In Bali AND Rental Nmax In Bali
The price above includes facilities in the form of 2 helmets and 2 raincoats and a cellphone holder.
Requirements to rent a motorbike must include an PASPORT, driver’s license, proof of flight/transportation tickets and proof of hotel reservation.
All of the motorbikes that we rent are in normal condition and are suitable for use, we always carry out routine service and maintenance according to the schedule we have set for each of our motorbike units.
Full payment is made or paid in full when handing over the motorbike.
Cancellation of bookings on the D day is subject to a 50% fee of the total motorbike rental fee as a whole.
Prices listed above are in Indonesian Rupiah.
It is not allowed to bring motorbikes outside the island of Bali.
If there are problems with the engine, lights, brakes, etc., please contact us to request a unit exchange.
Leaking tires are the responsibility of the tenant to patch or replace, unless the tires are in thin condition, please contact us to ask for a replacement unit.

Rental Motor Bali

Kawasaki W175
IDR 200K/Day
Minimal SEWA 2 Hari


Yamaha XSR 155
IDR 250K/Day
Minimal SEWA 2 Hari


Honda CB 150X
IDR 250K/Day
Minimal SEWA 2 Hari

Term & Condition

  1. Harga diatas belumtermasuk ongkos kirim dan ambil.
  2. Harga diatas sudah include dengan fasilitas berupa 2 buah helm.
  3. Syarat sewa motor wajib ada E-KTP, SIM, bukti tiket pesawat/transportasi dan bukti reservasi hotel.
  4. Motor yang kami sewakan semua dalam kondisi normal dan layak pakai, servis dan perawatan rutin selalu kami lakukan sesuai jadwal yang sudah kami tentukan untuk masing – masing unit motor kami.
  5. Pembayaran full di lakukan atau pembayaran lunas saat serah terima motor.
  6. Pembatalan bookingan pada hari H di kenakan biaya 50% dari total biaya sewa motor secara ke seluruhan.
  7. Harga yang tertera diatas dalam bentuk mata uang rupiah.
  8. Tidak di ijinkan membawa sepeda motor keluar pulau Bali.
  9. Jika terjadi kendala pada mesin, lampu, rem dll silahkan menghubungi kami untuk minta tukar unit.
  10. Ban bocor tanggung jawab penyewa tambal ataupun ganti, kecuali ban dalam kondisi tipis silahkan menghubungi kami untuk minta ganti unit.

Sewa Motor Di Bali – Syarat Dan Ketentuan

Syarat sewa motor : 

  • E-KTP yang masih berlaku.
  • SIM C yang masih berlaku (tanpa sim c tetap kami layani dengan catatan, jika terkena tilang di jalan itu menjadi tanggung jawab penyewa).
  • Ada bukti tiket pesawat atau tiket transportasi.
  • Ada bukti reservasi hotel atau penginapan.

Ketentuan sewa motor di Bali : 

  • Wajib melengkapi semua persyaratan di atas.
  • Bayar full di awal saat terima motor, bisa cash atau transfer.
  • Motor hanya bisa di gunakan di wilayah Bali, tidak dapat di gunakan ke luar area Bali.

Asesoris Tamabahan : 

  • Jashujan plastik BARU  10k/pcs (untuk yang bekas free).
  • Surf Rack 100k/unit (selama masa sewa motor).
  • Helm anak 10k/pcs (selama masa sewa motor).